This video hows you our ability to connect to a NTRIP caster and mountpoint using you internet enabled iOS device. the RTK Client Lib is fully written in objective c to be compatible with iOS. Any receiver RTK capable receiver that emits NMEA data over bluetooth and/or Serial port is compatible with our solution. This is a jailbreak free solution. This is an apple approved/certified solution to allow you to connect a high precision GNSS receiver with RTK capability to an iOS device and allow all existing apps running on iOS to benefit from the increased accuracy provided by your External GPS.
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Get #collector like High Accuracy GNSS metadata in @esriSurvey123 using @EosGNSS -
NMEA-BT IS SHIPPING AGAIN... Sincere thanks to @siliconlabs for working with us to resolve supply issues quickly for us. Kudos to them. Thx
ALL NMEA-BT ORDERS ARE ON HOLD due to repeated delays @SiliconLabs... Tired and fed up of waiting... Looking at migrating to uBlox instead.
delays @siliconlabs continues-a week after promised ship date notified that modules delayed by yet another month... wish v had known better.
@siliconlabs Been trying to get straight answers from sales team on availability of WT41 replacement 4 a year luck getting 1..
RT @jeffshaner: Le-Ax Water District Webinar this morning on Collector 10.4.0 High Accuracy!! #esri…